Insurance Quotes - Process To Get Protected

Posted on Wednesday, October 24, 2007 and filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through theRSS 2.0 . You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site

Shopping for insurance used to be a daunting task, running from agency to agency trying to find the carrier with the best deal. That's no longer the case. Today, getting a quote for home, health and your car can be as easy as a phone call or mouse click away.

While you can still waste a lot of time calling individual companies or checking out their websites, the fastest and easiest way today's consumers are finding solid insurance quotes is through a myriad of insurance sites now available on the internet. These sites offer you a one-stop shop for buying insurance, by comparing individual companies and their policies with your needs and budget.

Why are multiple-company insurance sites becoming so popular? Maybe the ease in which consumers can shop for all of tier insurance needs by:

  • Allowing carriers to compete for your business.
  • Only requiring consumers to fill out one simple questionnaire, instead of a questionnaire for every company, in order to obtain price quotes.
  • Giving consumers information on only A-rated companies to ensure reliability.
  • Giving consumers money saving tips and answers to their insurance questions through on-site chats and features.

Obtaining Quotes:
Be sure when talking with any insurance agent to be sure that you understand all of the advantages and disadvantages to purchasing their policy. While one carrier may have a slightly higher rate for insurance, they may offer better coverage that may be well worth the cost. Also, be sure to ask about the company's cancellation policy. If you have a claim or two in the first few years, how likely will they be to cancel your policy and leave you uninsured?

Another question to ask: how long does it usually take the company to approve a claim and disburse funds? Many homeowners have found that cheaper polices often result in longer waits when an incident occurs.

Lowering Your Insurance Quote:
Once you get those quotes, here are a few ways to negotiate an even better deal:

-Raise your deductible - this could save you as much as 35% on both your hoe and automobile insurance bill

-Install security devices such as deadbolt locks, window locks, and burglar alarms and save up to 20% on your homeowner's insurance. Car alarms too can help ease the high cost of insurance premiums

-Install safety devices like fences, gates and stair railings to save an additional 10%

-Ask your insurer about multi-policy discounts. By combining your home, car, health and life insurances with a single company you can save hundreds every year in premium costs. Also, multi driver discounts are available by most insurers.

-Choose a Cheaper Neighborhood. While you want to stay away from high-crime areas, living in a less prestigious area can also save a bundle on both home and car insurance. Also, the older your car, the cheaper the insurance will be, so consider the added cost of insurance when considering an upgrade.

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